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Event evaluation

Everyone understands the necessity of evaluating an event after it was completed, but how to evaluate an event is a big question for many event organisers.

The purpose of the evaluation is to measure the events success, while considering what can be improved for future events. The main purposes for event evaluation are:

-       To measure whether the event has met its objectives
-       To find out if the event meets the expectations of all participants
-       To improve the success of future events.

How best to collect information for the evaluation process should be considered carefully and appropriately for your audience and event.

Post evaluation surveys are an important tool, and ensuring that the right questions are asked and that they are measurable against your events objectives will give a deep insight into your audiences thoughts and reactions to the event and serve as a measure of the return on your investment.

The evaluation process is one of the most important elements of event management, and often overlooked by many event organisers. When it's done at the right time, and using the right methods it can give you bigger achievements and better results year on year.

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