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If you found that interesting here are some suggestions from us to find out a bit more about Blackberry Events and our events management services.


So easy to say; somewhat more difficult to delivering practice.

Arguably of the three pillars of event management; Content, Production and Logistics, it is the area of production where if things do not go to plan it is very obvious to the audience.

Going ‘live’ is the part of the project where we only get one chance to get it right,and this is what keeps people up at night.

If it’s not lights, camera, action a lot of people are going to notice! And in our experience they tend not to forget either.

And so, we take great care to check and cross check all the various schedules, ask if we are not sure and encourage others to do like wise.

Rehearsals and run throughs as we strongly recommended,I’ve seen a few ‘expert’ presenter refuse a run though and watched their confidence evaporate in a heartbeat when the slide deck they were expecting isn’t the one we’ve been sent by their office.

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In one memorable case it was the presenter’s son who had supplied the slide deck – I don’t imagine birthdays and Christmases were ever quite the same.

Striving for and applying the principle of attention to detail requires a lot of hard work, planning and co-ordination.

When it all goes right and you receive comments like the one below it makes all the hard work so worthwhile:

Please pass on our thanks to the whole team for a great event last night. It all went really well, I know there were a few last minute issues to deal with, but it was all dealt with smoothly, as ever, and we got through it and everyone had a fantastic time which is the main thing.  Thanks for all your hard work in the run up, dealing with all the script and slide changes etc etc 😁the attention to detail and the care we all give it makes the difference!

Attention to detail is the cornerstone of our project management disciplines and why our long term clients enjoy what we call the ‘sleep at night’ factor.

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Blackberry Events - Meet The Team

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If you found that interesting here are some suggestions from us to find out a bit more about Blackberry Events and our events management services.


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