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If you found that interesting here are some suggestions from us to find out a bit more about Blackberry Events and our events management services.

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Have you ever tried planning and managing an event yourself?

If you have then you'll know just how much work and preparation goes into making it a roaring success. Events are never easy no matter how big or small they may be. To make an event a real success you need to pay close attention to every detail and it is always advisable to have a clear plan set out for your event.

Event managers and specialists are trained in event planning and can offer your event real benefits as well as giving you peace of mind to enjoy the event.

In our book ‘Event Management – bite size chunks’  chapter 3 sets out the key skills needed when it comes to planning an event.

Here we list our top 5:

Clarity of purpose - what is the event for, how will success be measured?

Budget – is it affordable, do you need to generate an income to cover costs?

Organisation – create a detailed plan of roles and responsibilities and communicate the plan widely

Negotiation and decision making – right time, right place, right amount

Management – lead your team, communicate well, have fun

Think about how stressful the above points can be and then think about hiring a professional event planner to take care of them for you. You can clearly see why an event planner would be money well spent!

And if you want us to send you a copy of the book you know where to ask.

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If you found that interesting here are some suggestions from us to find out a bit more about Blackberry Events and our events management services.

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